In a nutshell: Bases loaded, less than two outs. can't bring home any runs.

Happens all the time..

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I just can’t watch anymore. Why did Mendoza leave Reed in too long. After last night the players must be devastated. I am really scared of what Whiz Kid Stearns is going to do at the trade deadline. I am so tired of hearing that he doesn’t think first base is a power position. For 2025 they should build the team around Alonso. The Yankees are not going to let Soto go. 2025 sadly is going to be another growing pains year since the team has so many issues and many FA’s want no part of NY or a team that is rebuilding.

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We should trade everyone we can at the deadline, including Diaz if the price is right. This core has to be broken up. We’re the oldest team in the league and it shows. I have faith in Stearns but it’s going to take a little longer than I thought.

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