May 26Liked by Rich MacLeod

Interesting comments and article. I like Bader and DJ Stewart, Lindor is coming on! They brought Diaz back waaaaayyyyy too soon. I’ll keep hoping and cheering them on, like I have since 1962. #LGM

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Blow this team up ….it’s a loser from top to bottom. Maybe keep Nimmo and Alvarez. Alonso is hitting .183 with runners on base. Some peer bat. Useless. His HR’s are mostly solo shots. Lindor is good for half a season …hits when it’s too late. The seasons are lost by giving away all these games in May and June. Just a terrible team.

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I don't know why they pitched Diaz two days in a row I thought they were going to wait until he was in Better shape. Don't know why the Whiz Kid picked up Pablo Reyes the guy is a Bum and a former PED violator but of course Stearns knows him from the Brewers - someone tell him that there are 28 different teams where he can get players !! He is so scared of making another mistake so he is making more !! Cohen we need a talented GM ASAP to offset the WHIZ KID !!

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This core definitely has to be broken up. I doubt Lindor is tradeable and I’d keep Nimmo. Pete and McNeil can go but I doubt there’s a market for McNeil. Half our core is untradeable which tells you something.

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With Alonso's power and RBI production I would build the team around him - big mistake if we lose him. We are not getting Soto - he likes the Yankees , right field porch , winning , etc. Boras is just going to use Cohen for leverage and we are going to lose a lot of free agents as Boras drags this on !!

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This current Mets team is built ,partially, around Alonso. He is not a team leader. His home runs and RBI's have never carried the team when we needed him to. This team needs a complete face-lift. Blow it up and then use Cohens money and smart drafting to rebuild this organization We are way past hoping that certain players will suddenly develope a winning attitude and stop being comfortable losing. Give Stearns a chance at least to rebuild this team and organization.

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You’re probably right about Soto unfortunately. I don’t love Pete as the team’s leader but you’re right about his production.

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