I don't think trading Alonso is the answer. Where else can you replace 40 HR / 120 RBI's. But I have to admit that it looks like Pete is just going thru the motions waiting for the year to end so he can go to FA. Message to Pete, Be Better.

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I agree. I believe that Pete is a sensitive man and needs to feel wanted. In his Head the Whiz Kid can't wait to trade him but he is not going to get much for Pete the way he is playing. Soras is the Worst thing that ever happened to Pete.

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I don't know why Houser is still starting - I would rather have Butto. I guess the Whiz Kid doesn't want to admit that he was wrong about Houser after Short and Wendle.

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I don’t think they oversold it so much as it was meant to steer the media away from calling this a rebuilding year, which it is. That’s why there was such vitriol to start the year, when fans like me were sitting there going “why are you surprised?”

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