Now Stearns passed on Kimberl and Yates both of whom would have been formidable additions to the BP. Do you think 🤔 Yamamoto wants to lose wins because the. BP blows the lead. Who are your 7th and 8th inning arms to get to Diaz.

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Stearns the Whiz Kid still thinks he works for the Brewers continually Dumpster Diving for the players he is signing. When they said Transistional did they really mean Austerity. The BP is Very Sad right now he didn't even try for Kirby Yates. Now he is downplaying starting pitchers and BP pitchers . We still need two front line starters , three BP arms ( real Ones ) a Banger at DH and Outfield. None of his moves would attract any Free Agent of any Quality. If he loses any quality prospects in the Rule 5 Draft he is worse than Brodie !! For $8 million dollars this is what we get another fourth place finish. Cohen better give him a wakeup call NOW !! Writers say he is just hanging around the winter meetings - not engaged with anyone so he is NOT even working on any deals !!

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